Monday, March 9, 2020


The two media in long Form TV drama programs I have contemplated are Deutschland 83 (German talking account) and Stranger Things (English talking story). Both being set in the 1980's anyway both having changing portrayals. Netflix the distributer of Stranger Things, is stage agonistic universal organization with more than 160 million month to month endorsers as of now with a tremendous crowd. Because of the immense achievement and target crowd around the world, it had a spending limit of $6 million for each scene in arrangement 1, with over $15 million on promoting the LFTVD with huge combination organization's, for example, Coca Cola, Nike, Adidas, Chevrolet and Burger King. Notable brands, for example, Top shop and Primark delivered dressing items with the Stranger things characters and setting upon them spreading the consciousness of the LFTVD permitting fans to buy and go about as a self-advertising effort (Jenkins thought of Fandom dynamic members of the flow of media types). Hesmodhalgh hypothesis of limiting danger and augmenting benefit is vigorously subverted with Stranger Things because of the specialty story and creativity with characters and portrayals. Nonetheless, Netflix being such an enormous aggregate get the opportunity to task chances and make more specialty LFTVD, which evidentially paid off because of 40 million families spilling the principal scene inside four days of it being discharged. Along these lines, inside a huge populace of Netflix's crowd being American because of the less expensive option from costly, long digital TV contracts it was extremely famous because of the verisimilitude factor for the Americans due the show being set in 80's America.

Though Deutschland 83 was delivered to three diverse particular crowd types. RTL created and circulated for the German crowd. Because of the German crowd this LFTVD had numerous components of verisimilitude along these lines it was disliked because of the disagreeable history and negative portrayal of parts of Germany during the Cold War. Though through Walter presents on Channel 4 for the UK it was well known with 5 million perspectives on the primary arrangement in a month of it being appeared, this is because of the changing political perspectives inside the UK coordinating the depiction of the portrayal of East VS West in Deutschland 83 anyway not as extraordinary. The creation of Deutschland 83 is viewed as 'old' due to the customary productional benefits of utilizing TV channels to circulate the program, for example, Sundance, RTL and Channel 4 with this it is focusing on a more established increasingly develop crowd despite the fact that the majority of the channels are stage freethinker on request. Because of chronicled settings for the German, British and American crowd it influences their inclusion and personalisation to identify with the program (making it famous in some nation's more than others).

Because of Netflix's abundance achievement it permitted it to have a financial limit of $6million per scene comprising of post altering, acting and coordinating. With Stranger Things because of the topic of the powerful immense measure of impacts and post altering was required demonstrating components of postmodernism, for instance when will is cycling home on his chopper bicycle – an intertextual connection to a normal prop in the 1980's for youthful young people – abruptly non diegetic (included audio cues are apparent) to make the crowd mindful of the heavenly topic right now. An outsider like figure is available in a dull, nightfall setting in the forested areas made by a low stationary shot to show by what means Will is uncovered and has an absence of control right now. While the story line of Stranger Things is sequential to show a reasonable stream and story line to the account, anyway in the middle of the story line different unexpected bounce slices are put to the show the quick paced genuine/evil tone subverting to the youthful young youngsters attempting to discover their companion.

Deutschland 83 follows a sequential structure, demonstrating Martin living in the East serving his nation indicating a condition of balance, anyway this is fleeting as he is enlisted/tranquilized to work in the west as a covert government agent. Todorov expressing how a media content shows a condition of balance which is then forestalled by an interruption this hypothesis is exceptionally successful for D83 demonstrating an unmistakable structure. Because of the general negative depiction of Germanys history. Consequently, this makes a mystery for the German crowd because of the redundancy and portrayal of negative memorable occasions increasing an absence of crowd endorsement anyway from an English/American viewpoint it is an enlightening/activity pressed covert operative dramatization, focusing on a tremendous objective crowd. Because of Channel 4 and Sundance huge national acknowledgment it permitted D83 to be accessible to a tremendous system through two stages. (Giving elective media - unique ). Baudrillard hypothesis helps show the verisimilitude of Ronald Reagans discourse, genuine papers from the time and imitation garbs to fit the timespan where as the activity stuffed government operative dramatization scenes e.g going of emit cameras and calls toward the East propose a type of Hyper reality engaging the crowd and addition their complete consideration.

Sex in D83 is appeared through different ground-breaking figures, for example, Martin a white youthful male, who picks up the most screen time appearing to had some force because of working for the East German Army right now is introduced as the man of the house following a male centric methodology, anyway Annett Martins sweetheart is demonstrated to be autonomous and incredible differentiating Van Zoonens hypothesis of male centric belief systems because of her female character not seen as only an item however a significant lead to the account and the political philosophies of female right in the socialist piece of East Berlin. Notwithstanding, during Stranger Things, the mother of Will is demonstrated to be a cliché female indicating ordinary benefits of dealing with the house and kids, this fits in with Van Zoonens hypothesis because of the Western Patriarchy in America in the 1980's. Be that as it may, Nancy Wheeler a youthful exceptional grown-up is subverting the generalization of ladies' body's being viewed as items as she pushes Steve Harrington away the regular (secondary school muscle head) and focussing on school concentrate as opposed to being treated as an article subverting run of the mill western 80's belief systems.

The military/government are spoken to be incredible with restricting philosophies, the west government bolstered industrialist perspectives and convictions differentiating toward the East of balance and radical perspectives making a tremendous clash over convictions and belief systems parting Germany. Along these lines, the administration were demonstrated to be forthright and honest anyway the East utilized government agent's who Martin speaks to, attempting to get to data about the West's assault upon the East. Subjects of debasement and force are apparent because of both needing a shared objective. The contrasting crowds for D83 with deduce from the TV Drama that Germany was once degenerate committing huge errors and cut huge corners to attempt to pick up progress adding to some negative undertones as a country from a German point of view.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Context - Summer Work


- After David Cameron resigned from MP on 24th June 2016 after a vote in a referendum to leave the EU , Theresa May followed as MP and continued as MP until 7th June
- The last General Election was 8th June 2017 between Theresa May and Boris Johnson with the Conservative Party winning the election.
- Corbyn decided to follow the path in the Labour Party after Ed Miliband resigned after their defeat in the 2015 general election. After becoming leader of the Labour Party, he delivered many conferences and speeches to argue his opinions that he believed lacked in his local newspaper, the Islington Tribune.

- 9 April 2005: Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles at Windsor Guildhall
29 April 2011: Prince William and Catherine Middleton at Westminster Abbey
19 May 2018: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at Windsor Castle
12 October 2018: Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank at Windsor Castle
- Queen's 90th: The Queen visited the Royal Mail Windsor Delivery office to mark the 500th anniversary of the postal service. She took a walkabout of 6.3km in Windsor with the Duke of Edinburgh. ITV aired a celebration.

Terrorism and Hatred
On 28th March 2017, hundred of people gathered on Westminster Bridge to pay respects to 4 people who were killed in a terror attack in central London.
On 19th June 2017, Police in Manchester and London registered surges in Anti Muslim hate crime in the aftermaths of the Manchester Arena bombing and London bridge attack.

Syrian War
The Syrian Civil War has been going on since 15 March 2011 and is still going on. The conflict is regarded towards the Ba'ath government and forces who want the government gone. Many presidents and British MPs have discussed the issue with the war and ways to prevent the many deaths and refugees that have increased since the war began so long ago.

Specific UK Issues
- Brexit was first talked about and voted for through a referendum on 23rd June 2016 where 51.9% of citizens voted to leave. On Friday 24th May 2019, Theresa May resigned from being MP after being MP for nearly 3 years. When she entered 10 Downing Street, she made 2 main goals clear; to hell more 'ordinary working-class families' in general life and to deliver Brexit that British people voted for.
- Grenfell Tower: in the early hours of the morning on 14 June 2017, a fire broke out in the kitchen of a 4th floor flat at the 23 storey tower block in West London. the fire quickly spread across the entire tower where 72 people lost their lives. One reason the tower fire spread so quick is that the building is partly made out of flammable materials, including a polymer foam.
- Windrush: This Scandal is a political scandal concerning people who were wrongly detained, denied legal rights, threatened with deportation.
- NHS: During 2016, many junior doctors forced strikes throughout London where thousands of appointments were forced to be cancelled due to the 'significant' impact on the healthcare provision, according to the junior doctors.
- Charlie Gard: Charlie Gard is an infant from London, born with MDDS (a rare genetic disorder). This became a huge story after how the only medical cure for this was to fly to USA to have surgery, as they said they can perform the surgery, which Charlie's family was happy to do, but NHS said they shouldn't take him on a plane due to health reasons.

Cultural Trends
- Films: More recent films have been lacking originality due to many methods of film production already have being done, so creating a new formula is harder to do. Currently, remakes are a popular way of making a new film such as Lion King
- TV: Similar to films, TV series' are lacking originality due to the massive growth in production. So many series' are simply using the same formulas to previous seasons to re-create a new season with a cheap price to air.
- Music: Music genres are slowly being limited to 80's and 00's pop due to this being the majority of what people listen to. This is where many artists make their money, reasoning why the genre is most popular
- Video Games: With the increase in technologies within the recents years, the interest in video games has gained due to new game opportunities being allowed.
- Youtube: Youtube has slowly increased its viewership where daily viewers, uploads and amount of content has all increased, being free to post, watch and enjoy.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Forms and conventions a music video is a videotaped performance of a recorded popular song. It is usually accompanied by dance or a fragmentary story. Music often use concert footage as well. We want to market these artists and promote these artist as much as we can along with a new song. Typically music videos are three to five minutes long, they frequently include quick cuts Music videos accommodate all styles of film-making, including animation, live action films, documentaries, and non - narratives, abstract film. In the 1980s the music video became synonymous with the rock idiom and for this reason they are often referred to as rock videos proliferation = it is everywhere Gender is another key issue, females had to live up to male fantasies. Performance, concept and narrative music videos Performance based - many music videos include performance of the artists as part of the video. it was from clips of performance that music video developed. Narrative based - often the video tells a story either that features in the lyrics or is suggested in the lyrics this narrative can be like a mini film, with a beginning, middle and end. or it can suggest some links to a story. It can promote a film with clips from the film including telling a story. Concept based - concept videos are based around a single idea or concept and are usually unusual or obscure, even surreal for an audience. The usual content is an attraction to many consumers, which draws them in. Concept thematic: There are lots of common themes in music videos depends on the genre of music Concept symbolic: Use of lots of symbols to build up meaning lots of use of montage lighting often used to suggest mood fast paced - often only a few seconds per shot to build up meanings pictures can support or contradict the lyrics.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019



Not getting knocked down by everyday blues and troubles "shoot me down but I won't fall"

December 21, 2011
ryan lee 
pulled the song for bullets
10 mark question 15 mins
15 marks 30 mins

3rd viewing editing and sound

end of school day
finishes at evening
pressure on family
fast forwards, slow mo and special effects.
pace of the song is fast

confused, feels scared
american obesity
supernatural news headline, 80s home and thinks he has done something.
growing up and maturing
slow mos are for the action 

screen time to ryan lee 
has powers causing chaos but is alone
looks cinematic
natural pallet colouring 
long shot to show when people are breaking into the house
police are a metaphor for school bullies
wide shot of the forest shows the isolation in his life.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Exam question ting

Analyse how social and cultural contexts can influence advertising. The shelter campaign shows the struggles of the regular average person that could well be any one of us, the people shown are just used as exemplars to portray that anyone could be in the position to lose their house all together. Shelter end up representing the social compliance's that have been made up over the years, such as bottling up emotions and financial struggles and not letting anyone help has become a common theme, this often leads to manipulation in some cases, for example the big red font on the second picture says "He can't do that", the "he" mentioned here would be the landlord, this probably shows that the landlord is kicking the tenant out because of insufficient payments and/or payment manipulation by bumping the rent up. Shelter highlights this fact by putting it in big red font almost in a bloodied colour to show the importance and danger that this has in life, it can cause chaos and uproar in lives and can tend to deteriorate a persons mental psych, probably leading to severe cases of suicide or attempted suicide. Shelter raises the issues of social contexts because of how important it is to find help and helping the prevention of homelessness, they want to make their material shocking to the public because they need to get their message across to ensure that fewer people lose homes and more people call Shelter to find help about their property. Shelter provides the cultural input as well, for context in England, a lot of people in England are well off and do not have these kinds of issues, this is what the government would want you to believe, however the truth is that more than 10% of people need financial help with their housing situation as of 2019. However the cultural construct is being merged and moulded into the form of England being quite a wealthy country and most of the populace being able to maintain houses. Shelter have tried to break down this cultural construct by making normal people look like they need help, with the camera close up and the sad looking type faces they have really break the stereotype of England.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Charity Advert Thingy

Empathy Shock Shelter tried to get to the root of problem of loses of housing and tried to help as many people as possible. Context: Ken loach's Cathy Come Home project was a pivotal establishment of the charity. Campaign launched in 2011 to encourage people at risk of losing their home to ask for advice earlier. Ran from 21st of august for 6 weeks. Shelter's campaign was created by Amplify on a pro bono basis. Each poster had a website and a slogon and grabbed peoples intentions. Just one number to donate to, easier ways to donate rather than having multiple ties.


The two media in long Form TV drama programs I have contemplated are Deutschland 83 (German talking account) and Stranger Things (English ta...