Thursday, February 28, 2019


created by a single person - markus persson aka notch

Minecraft has sold over 150 million copies

6 reasons it's popular!

minecraft is a literally sandbox with infinite replayability the game is only limited by the confines of your imagination

A strong community

The players' creations are minecrafts own marketing campaign.
Like jacob granberry who created the world of game of thrones

It is platform agnostic, it can literally play on all platforms.

It has been co-opted by children, which has made it a household name

It is not limited by genre, it is literally adapted by the player

it fulfils our human instinct to bring order to chaotic wilderness

1) How many subscriptions does Ali-A have for his Youtube channel?
16 million
2) How many years have he been doing this?
2009 10 years
3) Why did he start playing Minecraft?
because fans asked him

4) What does he say he is trying to do with his content?
survival series to explore the game and make sure that he experiances the game in the fullest
5) Describe his average working day
work, edit, publish and try and plan social life in advance
6) Why might we watch Youtubers?
we watch youtube for funny content, educational content,  and enjoyable content to pass the time and for stuff to entertain us as a society 
7) What is Twitch and what is the average time spent on it by a viewer?
twitch is a streaming service of which any person can play a game and stream it, 4 hours a day
8) How much do you estimate that Ali-A earns in a year? Go to to check your answer
1.7 million on average

Microsoft’s purchase of Mojang (3.22-8.15) :
9) How much was Minecraft purchased for?
2.5 billion usd
10) What are 3 reasons behind Microsoft’s purchase?
a)mojang is a successful company and it was told that the game would be a huge success
b)Microsoft wants a new audience that they think mine craft will bring
C)for control and to seize an opportunity to make sure it isn't grabbed by a different company like sony
11) How might this affect the game?
new customer support stuff along with a wide growing community  to help support their game
12) What is Minecraft’s biggest asset?
It's replayability.

Minecraft development is referred to as online Lego and it is multi platform, open sandbox, and started as an indie game. Critically and commercially successful

Minecraft is successful for the strong community.

Minecraft is successful for the amount of input and reputation it has in the world.

It has quite an influence in social media.

He kept constantly updating the content inside the game giving people a reason to play more.

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