Tuesday, April 30, 2019



Not getting knocked down by everyday blues and troubles "shoot me down but I won't fall"

December 21, 2011
ryan lee 
pulled the song for bullets
10 mark question 15 mins
15 marks 30 mins

3rd viewing editing and sound

end of school day
finishes at evening
pressure on family
fast forwards, slow mo and special effects.
pace of the song is fast

confused, feels scared
american obesity
supernatural news headline, 80s home and thinks he has done something.
growing up and maturing
slow mos are for the action 

screen time to ryan lee 
has powers causing chaos but is alone
looks cinematic
natural pallet colouring 
long shot to show when people are breaking into the house
police are a metaphor for school bullies
wide shot of the forest shows the isolation in his life.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Exam question ting

Analyse how social and cultural contexts can influence advertising. The shelter campaign shows the struggles of the regular average person that could well be any one of us, the people shown are just used as exemplars to portray that anyone could be in the position to lose their house all together. Shelter end up representing the social compliance's that have been made up over the years, such as bottling up emotions and financial struggles and not letting anyone help has become a common theme, this often leads to manipulation in some cases, for example the big red font on the second picture says "He can't do that", the "he" mentioned here would be the landlord, this probably shows that the landlord is kicking the tenant out because of insufficient payments and/or payment manipulation by bumping the rent up. Shelter highlights this fact by putting it in big red font almost in a bloodied colour to show the importance and danger that this has in life, it can cause chaos and uproar in lives and can tend to deteriorate a persons mental psych, probably leading to severe cases of suicide or attempted suicide. Shelter raises the issues of social contexts because of how important it is to find help and helping the prevention of homelessness, they want to make their material shocking to the public because they need to get their message across to ensure that fewer people lose homes and more people call Shelter to find help about their property. Shelter provides the cultural input as well, for context in England, a lot of people in England are well off and do not have these kinds of issues, this is what the government would want you to believe, however the truth is that more than 10% of people need financial help with their housing situation as of 2019. However the cultural construct is being merged and moulded into the form of England being quite a wealthy country and most of the populace being able to maintain houses. Shelter have tried to break down this cultural construct by making normal people look like they need help, with the camera close up and the sad looking type faces they have really break the stereotype of England.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Charity Advert Thingy

Empathy Shock Shelter tried to get to the root of problem of loses of housing and tried to help as many people as possible. Context: Ken loach's Cathy Come Home project was a pivotal establishment of the charity. Campaign launched in 2011 to encourage people at risk of losing their home to ask for advice earlier. Ran from 21st of august for 6 weeks. Shelter's campaign was created by Amplify on a pro bono basis. Each poster had a website and a slogon and grabbed peoples intentions. Just one number to donate to, easier ways to donate rather than having multiple ties.


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