Thursday, February 28, 2019


created by a single person - markus persson aka notch

Minecraft has sold over 150 million copies

6 reasons it's popular!

minecraft is a literally sandbox with infinite replayability the game is only limited by the confines of your imagination

A strong community

The players' creations are minecrafts own marketing campaign.
Like jacob granberry who created the world of game of thrones

It is platform agnostic, it can literally play on all platforms.

It has been co-opted by children, which has made it a household name

It is not limited by genre, it is literally adapted by the player

it fulfils our human instinct to bring order to chaotic wilderness

1) How many subscriptions does Ali-A have for his Youtube channel?
16 million
2) How many years have he been doing this?
2009 10 years
3) Why did he start playing Minecraft?
because fans asked him

4) What does he say he is trying to do with his content?
survival series to explore the game and make sure that he experiances the game in the fullest
5) Describe his average working day
work, edit, publish and try and plan social life in advance
6) Why might we watch Youtubers?
we watch youtube for funny content, educational content,  and enjoyable content to pass the time and for stuff to entertain us as a society 
7) What is Twitch and what is the average time spent on it by a viewer?
twitch is a streaming service of which any person can play a game and stream it, 4 hours a day
8) How much do you estimate that Ali-A earns in a year? Go to to check your answer
1.7 million on average

Microsoft’s purchase of Mojang (3.22-8.15) :
9) How much was Minecraft purchased for?
2.5 billion usd
10) What are 3 reasons behind Microsoft’s purchase?
a)mojang is a successful company and it was told that the game would be a huge success
b)Microsoft wants a new audience that they think mine craft will bring
C)for control and to seize an opportunity to make sure it isn't grabbed by a different company like sony
11) How might this affect the game?
new customer support stuff along with a wide growing community  to help support their game
12) What is Minecraft’s biggest asset?
It's replayability.

Minecraft development is referred to as online Lego and it is multi platform, open sandbox, and started as an indie game. Critically and commercially successful

Minecraft is successful for the strong community.

Minecraft is successful for the amount of input and reputation it has in the world.

It has quite an influence in social media.

He kept constantly updating the content inside the game giving people a reason to play more.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Radio 1 Research

  • The first breakfast show presenter was Tony Blackburn, he remained in the role for nearly six years.
  • Others that have been dj's and/or presented radio 1 are John Peel (1967), Kenny Everett (1967), Annie Nigjtingale (1970), Simon Bates (1980), Miss P (1984), Chris Evans (1995), Greg James (2017).
  • Nick Grimshaw stepped down from hosting the BBC stepped down from hosting the BBC Radio 1 breakfast show, the dj told listeners that he was 'tired' and was ready to hand over nearly a year ago. He is now the second- longest serving breakfast show presenter in the stations history.
  • The records present that radio 1 have an average of 5.72 million listeners a week. 
  • The controller of BBC radio 1 is Ben Cooper.

  • Radio 1 is very distinctive through through the use of a broad range of youth listeners with a very vast mix of contemporary music and speech. It offers a range of new music, support emerging artists -especially ones from the UK- and provide platforms (synergy) of live music.
  • The BBC is much stricter when it comes to brands mentions, whilst BBC breakfast tends to be hard news and lunch time tends to be predominantly chat shows. Commercial tend to typically target a vaster audience than the BBC and use pre-recorded interviews which kills to birds with one stone.
Social media and the Radio 1 website:

  • The website is aimed at a younger target audience; this is evident by the presentation of the young emerging and popular artists. Therefore the younger artists predominantly attract a younger target audience. Also various games (try not to laugh laugh challenge w/ water) is present which again would predominantly appeal to a younger target audience. As Radio 1 has a formal presentation with little facts and news.  
  • Whilst the Radio 1 one social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, include formal messages and tweets to the target audience, these include short humerous clips that entertain the audience with encourages the audience to share the comedy to there friends to increase the fan base.
  • However, i believe that Radio 1 also try to provide material/content for other target audience groups, this is evident through the various sections and tabs available to click when on the website. Therefore, this then allows a larger fan base.
  • To fulfill the PSB, Radio 1 provide accurate and impartial news, current affairs and factual programming of the highest editorial standards so that all audiences can engage fully with issues across the UK and the world.
  • Educational content will help support learning for children and teenagers across the UK, whilst audiences will be engaged to explore inspiring and challenging new subjects and activities through a range of partnerships.
  • Innovative content covering may different genres will be provided across a range of services and platforms, setting the standard in the UK and the world.

Radio 1 Essay

How is the radio 1 breakfast show encouraging user interaction?

The BBC Radio 1 Breakfast show mainly targets a range of young listeners, using a mix of music tracks and speech/talks. This is what entertains and engages the audience to listen. The target audience is 15-29year olds, sometimes targeted at younger teenagers for the songs played. We listened to timed segments of the Breakfast show. We found that a high percentage of the songs were British artists and many of the various competitions such as: Tickets to the FA Cup, Cricket World Cup, hang out with the 1975 and Little Mix. Also, on Radio 1 Breakfast show there are no adverts so its non-stop tracks and discussions to keep the audience entertained. We also found that they would play 3 songs and then they will have a small discussion or a quiz or a competition to fill in the times. However, during our segment they had an interview with some NFL legends to advertise Super Bowl 53 and in another segment, they were interviewing a Radio 1 representative. They also play a game called Radio 1 Jam Slam which is a quiz/anagram game to win prizes. When Radio 1 brought in Nick Grimshaw he was expected to boost the ratings due to his celebrity status and young people connection. However, Radio 1 Breakfast show suffers a heavy rating fall, but Greg James gave the Breakfast show a boost when he joined and took over from Nick in 2018 after Nick lost 9.37 million listeners a week. However, Greg James added 231,000 listeners in the final three months of 2018, averaging a weekly audience of 5.11 million including those aged 15 and older. The BBC Radio 1 website consists of the latest music tracks (a way of listening to them-which are updated frequently). It also includes live music and mixes, such as live lounge, where artists sing covers of other people’s songs; the official chart, Radio 1 playlist, ‘what’s new’, news, sport, weather, iPlayer, sounds etc. Analysed podcast: “A journey back into fake Britain”- Greg James plays a game by ringing lots of callers and firing random questions, in which they have to respond with the first thing that comes into their head without panicking or thinking too much. The idea is that the person on the end of the phone is under pressure, which makes it more entertaining for the listeners. An example of the sort of questions are: what noise does a koala make? Or a happy butterfly? These questions are unusual which engages the audience because Greg James can be known as a fun, younger guy, friendly, like your best mate- very likeable. Another part of the podcast presents him asking viewers what they listen to, to help them fall asleep. This is affective in receiving more listeners because it shows that the radio presenter has an interest in what their fans like and dislike. People want to get involved because Radio 1 is listened to by a wide target audience. Greg James had been promoted to the Radio presenter for the morning breakfast show. This is due to the fact that Nick Grimshaw’s audience figures had dropped whilst he was still the presenter. Radio 1 figured using Greg James in the morning would increase the number of viewers- which is exactly what happened. He is very popular with the audience and this is consequently shown through his social media. When researching Greg James’s social media, I had seen that he had posted a screenshot of a BBC news article stating ‘Rajar figures: Greg James boosts Radio 1 breakfast audience by 230,000’. This suggests that people would rather listen to Greg James presenting than when Nick did. He also posts humorous images and tweets across all of his social media. Some posts are duplicated across a few different types of social accounts, such as Instagram and Twitter for example. A reason for this could be if some viewers don’t have a certain type of social media due to preferences of how it works or is set out. Greg James’s social media differs from Radio 1’s due to the fact that the radio show has to look professional/have a sense of organisation (layout, text, captions), but still ensures that it ‘entertains, informs and educates’. The Radio 1 Weekend is going to be held in Swansea. It consists of well-known artists attract radio’s young audience and also attracts others who are not listeners of radio 1. Therefore, this event can attract new listeners who would be persuaded by the good artists in the line-up. The event is said to be as good as Glastonbury since the line-up is very popular. Previously, the event has been held all over England with a new location every year to attract its listeners all over the country. The line-up always includes a few popular acts to attract listeners with new artists as well as to show new music just like Radio 1 do on shows.

Radio 1 slide zoinks

Friday, February 1, 2019

Jungle Book Evaluation

What was the work assigned?

We were assigned to make a jungle book interview with the necessary information about the jungle books development, more specifically the 2016 one and comparing it to the original in 1967. This information was primarily meant to be based on the marketing tactics that Disney undertook during the making of the film, as well as the development of the film such as CGI and the actors used in the film like a voice over and the only actual human cast represented on the film Mowgli played by Neel Sieth.

Making the interview?

We used premier pro to make sure we could edit on a green screen on the background of our interview of which we used a poster cover on the background which was blurred out, we also used premier pro's cutting tool extensively because we needed to make cuts where necessary because we did it all in one take which came up to a 15 minute video, so not all the footage was meant to be logged into the final interview. Our biggest obstacle was the clashing with Georges clothing along with the green-screen which we had to overcome with george just zipping up his hoodie because it was the stark opposite colour of the green screen which finally stopped the clashing with the colours. Overall it only took about 4 hours to finally finish all together.


The editing was fantastic but we had to be more enthusiastic when acting in the interview because when one person spoke the other seemed disinterested in what the other was saying.

Jungle Book Interview

Marketing Script

I-Welcome back before the break we spoke to Chris Evans about Captain America Civil War but now we are joined by Brigham Taylor and Wayne Docksey who are here to talk about the new upcoming Jungle Book remake.
I – How did the idea to produce a remake of the Jungle book come about?

P – well, being the final film Walt Disney, himself ever worked on, we only felt right that a remake was developed for the crowd. Then on July 3rd, 2013, Walt Disney pictures released the fact of them developing a story boarding the adaptations between the original and this remake
ping the remake of the Jungle Book. And from there Jon Favreau starting writing scripts

I – So being Walt Disney’s final film, did you take any inspiration from his Jungle Book 1967?

P – well we took the inspiration of Walt’s love for animation and put it into a live action which he discovered was a new passion for him during the 1950’s. Walt told a quote to the world saying “there’s nothing funnier than the human animal” which portrays to the audience the connect between them and the characters within the film, ya know? We wanted to make sure the connection between the audience and characters was clear and loved because that’s what all Disney studios films are about, which was clearly found within the original and how the happy, joyful characters appealed to the younger audience.

I – with the established inspiration in which you took from the original, is there any tweaks/adaptions you’re making to the remake?

P – well of course. It wouldn’t be a remake if absolutely everything was the same (smiles/laughing). The main tweaks that are made are how the film is live action instead of just pure Cel animation, now we have the capabilities of CGI. Another big difference from the original is how we have focused on the connection between the audience and the main character, Mowgli, played by Neel Sethi, which, as a result, we have had to reduce the amount of songs within the film as well as the really soft tone that the original seemed to obtain. Now it’s more of a hard tone, still suitable for our younger audience, but this relationship between the audience and Mowgli should raise whilst also attracting the older generations that have more of an interest in Disney films in the modern age

I – you mention this relationship between Mowgli and the audience, is there a specific moment within the film where this is shown or is this throughout?

P – well there is also some form of connection throughout the film, but in various specific scenes, there are major connections between the 2 ends of the film. One scene where the connection shows quite well is where Mowgli is being taken towards the man village with Bagheera and he is complaining how he was brought up in the jungle which he believes is where his home is. This moment connects with the audience as they remember he is still a kid but acts like he’s much more responsible and independent, which is what audiences have always connected with. Then with Shere the tiger pouncing on the 2 characters, the audience hope Mowgli is okay, like he’s their own child, and cares for him, feeling sympathetic, further connecting with the characters

I - So you talk about the connection between Mowgli and the audience, what about Mowgli and the other animals. How does Neel Sethi react with the animals when on set.

P - Well all the animals are not real; we use CGI. All animals are made by Special FX and via puppets with our puppeteer, April Warren. We used various blue screens for majority of the film due to forest locations being rare to find. Then we used many props like muddy hills and fake tree branches for Neel to run across for us when later editing, to replace the blue screen with more jungle to give the surreal look we want.

I – and a quick question for you Wayne. How is this new remake of Jungle Book planning to be marketed oppose to how the original one was   

M – well we plan to release our official trailer September 15th of this year, 2015, whether or not certain clips and info gets leaked, is up to our IT department to keep safe. Luckily for us, Disney is already well known so It won’t be too hard for word of the film to spread around, but other than the trailers, we plan to post on all social media including Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. We have also been working on a certain style of poster, that we won’t reveal yet! Don’t badger me just yet, however do look out for posters on the jungle book you might notice small details if you look carefully although you might miss some if you were to just take a glance. They will be much more intuitive than the 1967 ones that looked like they were made by a child.

It has been a great journey to produce marketing tools for this new rendition of the jungle book, going from small childrens toys to things like working with KENZO which are a french stylist company to make merchandise like sweatshirts and hoodies, etc that are jungle book themed and we even worked with AirBnB to create a newly made jungle book themed AirBnB holiday home for families looking to venture into the jungle book world, our IT team though have been excellent with dealing with the influx of products and love handling this.

I-It looks like that’s all the time we have now we look forward to the release in the coming years and thank you for your time

I - we’ll back. Before the break we spoke to Chris Evans who spoke about Captain America: Civil War but now we are going to speak to Brigham Taylor and then later on, Wayne Docksey, about the new upcoming Jungle Book remake

Jungle book was released August 2016


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