Monday, October 29, 2018

Assessment 1: Proper DIRTy analysis

Identify a strength or strengths in your assessment:
My analysis of Questions 1-3 were on the point and were nice and succinct which is good because I can get straight to the point and move on to other questions.

What are the areas you need to improve?
I need to improve on timings because I did not get to answer Q5 which cost me marks to possibly get to a B. On Q2 I need to use examples of regulation and draw hints to when it said it was 9pm onwards which shows that there will be heavy themes.

What do you need to focus on for your next assessment?
I need to focus on my theorists because I don’t know exactly what they do and who they are so in future I must revise my theorists. I also need to elaborate more on the main points such as the main character and obvious themes and not just solely focus on tiny details.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Evaluation of Sports Advert

The task given and the target audience

The task we were tasked with was to produce an advert that appealed to 60+ age range, this was somewhat challenging because it is hard to appeal to the older generation. To target the older audiences we put in a Noir style at the start to what is similar to old fashioned TV were it was just black and white. However we contrasted that in the second half of the advert with bounce music to resemble the new found energy that they would get when drinking the drink.

Dividing the research, filming and planning 

We, as a group, did not divide all of our stages onto just one person, we did our work in blocks. For research we all researched logos and sports related things, to which we found the Tennessee flag and the University for Athletics and Sports and as a result of finding these results we decided to base our logo of the Tennessee flag. Our planning stage was set out like a meeting and we discussed all different ideas, we ended up sorting our planning sequence into a story board in which it was split up into 6 different parts. Finally was our filming phase which we all went together and did on a running track and on a pathway, and on the track we filmed the sporty, energetic scenes and on the pathway we filmed Mr Dexter acting lonely and depressed.

Initial Feedback

Showing it to classmates and our teacher, we got solid responses that were all filled with good comments however we did get an improvement with the sound in one place, which we improved immediately after. As a result we came to the conclusion that our sequence was a success.

What I learnt

I personally learnt that teamwork was as important as the research that is poured into a production. I also learned more about premier pro and am now confident in my ability in editing films.

Over 60's Sports Advert

Sports Drink Advert Day 3 of Filming

During day 3 we filmed the first part of the advert, because we ere able to get Mr Dexter to act as our sad, lonely and depressed old man. This all came to together quite nicely with some of the videos flipped and changed to add some consistency for other shots to have a solid narrative. We had also changed the first half to a noir style which showed of that it was a said theme and the fact that Mr Dexter is an old man.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Sports Advert Day 2 of Filming

After recieving the task to create an advert for men aged over 60 advertising sports drink and started to plan what we were filming during day 1, day 2 consisted of filming the 2nd half of the advert.

The 2nd half is the younger 'version' of the man, feeling younger and more energetic after drinking the VOL sports drink. Due to this character now being energetic, this section of the advert is Sam, who we are using as the younger person, running down a 100m sprint. The different shots that we filmed were:

- Walking up to the start line, which we filmed in slow motion
- The placement of the fingers on the line
- The head tilt upwards towards the finish line
- The beginning of the sprint
- Sam running, half way through his sprint

Also during this day of recording, we chose 2 songs that we wanted behind our shots. One of these would be a happy, energetic song for Sam, and a more dull, upsetting song for when Mr Dexter is shown on screen, during the first half of the advert. These songs are:

- Fury - Rogue (Happy, Energetic song)
- Cold - Jorge Méndes (Dull, Upsetting song)

Orignally we had an idea where Sam has just finished his race and someone throws him a VOL drink. He then catches the drink and says the brand's slogan 'VOLumizing your Energy'. However, when editing this section of the advert, we found that taking this out and replacing this with 3 seperate texts saying 'VOLumizing' , 'Your' , 'Energy' seemed for fitting for the style we wanted to present.

We also made an ending banner that shows a VOL sports drink on the left with the slogan on the right. This ends the advert with hype and positivity over this sports drink.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Sports Advert Day 1 of Filming

From our initial plans, we have partially changed part of it as we didn't want the advert to be too long, and for our audience to get bored of watching.
We changed Mr Dexter from being at the end to the beginning as we felt it would make the initial mood sad, which is what we wanted the audience to feel when watching as he is older and has no energy.
Our run through of our advert is now:

Mr Dexter starts off walking alone and sad
He gets thrown the bottle of VOL and takes a sip
Within the sip is the transition of Mr Dexter to Sam, where we will get them both to drink it in the same position then merge them together
Then the sad music will change to happy energized music, where Sam will 'go wild' with loads of energy
We will then take loads of different angles of Sam at the running track with VOL in the clips

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Sports drink Advert Day 1 of Planning

We have been given a task in a group of three to create an advert for a sports drink aimed at men 60 and over. We have to create this advert as well as the logo and name for the drink brand.

 The name of our drink will be 'VOL', this is because the first sports drink was made in Tennessee and in Tennessee there is a place called 'vol' which is a university for athletic/sport. We thought this tied in perfectly with the advert title we have been given. Our plan for making the advert is using two characters (Sam and Mr Dexter) to represent a younger boy and an older man.

Our advert plan is as follows:

 Sam begins playing lots of different sport and being really good at them (these will be short clips of 5 or 6 different sports), to introduce the sport and energizing theme.

The VOL will also be present in each one of these shots.

Next Sam will fade into Mr Dexter, showing that he is an older version of Sam.

We are going to do this by having Sam try to shoot a basketball into the hoop and as he jumps it fades into Mr Dexter, who then misses the hoop.

This represents the fact hes older and he doesn't have the energy anymore. (This will be the only sport shot without the drink in it) We are the going to try and present time going past, for example a fat moving clock or a time-lapse of the clouds. Mr Dexter will be walking slowly and lonely, with duller colors and more sad toned music, this will present that hes not his young self.

 He will then go to the shop (school diner) and walk past VOL. He then remembers the drink and buys it.

He takes a sip which is then when it will fade back into Sam, showing that the drink has made him young and energized again.

We will do the fade by Mr Dexter wiping his mouth after hes drank the drink, the getting Sam in the exact same position to carry on the wiping motion.

 Then once the character is young again, we will have Sam recite the slogan we have created, "Volumize your energy".

Friday, October 12, 2018

Fruitella advert

Video Games Industry

 WWW - Good detail and knowledge about the subject (nerd alert)
             - Well done for speaking proudly - Interesting and Interactive
             - Elaborations are good
             - Good flow between slides
     EBI - More enthusiasm
            - all need to speak in the presentation
            - Use key points as it was very long
            - Kind of confusing ngl
            - Gotta make sure I leave my grumpiness behind

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Boyz in the Hood Analysis

Boyz n da hood starts off with the sounds of a crime scene, along side excessive use of the N word which shows that this is a black neighbourhood through the stereotyping of black slang. Crime is a drive by shooting which we can tell from the sound effects such as the slamming of the car door, the screech of tires and finally gunshots. The opening minute is filled with a black screen whilst these sound effects play, however text comes up on the screen giving statistics that "one out of every twenty one black Americans will be murdered in their lifetime" During these we hear the sound of a small boy weeping as he says that "they have shot my friend and my brother" which demonstrates the chaos and tragedies that congregate in the early 1990' black American neighbourhoods.

 After the minute, we are presented with a stop sign which is symbolising the fact that these tragedies need to be stopped and that the segregation needs to also be stopped. We are also presented with our protagonists, who are casually talking about last nights shooting, as if it was a natural thing to happen, one of them even goes as far as to present what their mother said "a bullet don't have no name on it" this shows the corruption is a natural chaos that is always happening in their neighbourhood and they have grown up like this. Our protagonists then are taken to a crime scene which depicts a lot of gun shot holes on election posters and blood on the wall that has turned yellow. In this scene we are introduced to the intelligence of Trey, the boy in the jumper and collared shirt, when he states to the girl who says "why is the blood turning yellow?" to which he quickly says "that's what happens when it separates from the plasma". This line of dialogue shows that this boy has had a different up bringing and has a brighter future ahead of him rather than his friends that don't have the same intelligence he does, this is always represented in his clothes because he is dressed a lot smarter than his friends.

When the scene transitions into the classroom we are introduced to the kid's drawings which are all depicting crimes/tragedies of some sort, from the coffin to the LAPD chopper that was drawn with it's spotlight flashing down upon the ground. We are also shown that trey has a bad temper, even willing to start a fight with his friend just because he wasn't listening and making jokes, this escalates as far as trey friends saying that he will "get ma brother and shoot yo in the face" to which trey replies with "getch yo punk ass brother bitch, i'll get my daddy" representing that chaos escalates quickly in their neighbourhood and that crime is everywhere, showing that even their relatives/siblings are forced to live a life of crime.


The two media in long Form TV drama programs I have contemplated are Deutschland 83 (German talking account) and Stranger Things (English ta...