Thursday, October 18, 2018

Sports Advert Day 2 of Filming

After recieving the task to create an advert for men aged over 60 advertising sports drink and started to plan what we were filming during day 1, day 2 consisted of filming the 2nd half of the advert.

The 2nd half is the younger 'version' of the man, feeling younger and more energetic after drinking the VOL sports drink. Due to this character now being energetic, this section of the advert is Sam, who we are using as the younger person, running down a 100m sprint. The different shots that we filmed were:

- Walking up to the start line, which we filmed in slow motion
- The placement of the fingers on the line
- The head tilt upwards towards the finish line
- The beginning of the sprint
- Sam running, half way through his sprint

Also during this day of recording, we chose 2 songs that we wanted behind our shots. One of these would be a happy, energetic song for Sam, and a more dull, upsetting song for when Mr Dexter is shown on screen, during the first half of the advert. These songs are:

- Fury - Rogue (Happy, Energetic song)
- Cold - Jorge Méndes (Dull, Upsetting song)

Orignally we had an idea where Sam has just finished his race and someone throws him a VOL drink. He then catches the drink and says the brand's slogan 'VOLumizing your Energy'. However, when editing this section of the advert, we found that taking this out and replacing this with 3 seperate texts saying 'VOLumizing' , 'Your' , 'Energy' seemed for fitting for the style we wanted to present.

We also made an ending banner that shows a VOL sports drink on the left with the slogan on the right. This ends the advert with hype and positivity over this sports drink.

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