Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Sports drink Advert Day 1 of Planning

We have been given a task in a group of three to create an advert for a sports drink aimed at men 60 and over. We have to create this advert as well as the logo and name for the drink brand.

 The name of our drink will be 'VOL', this is because the first sports drink was made in Tennessee and in Tennessee there is a place called 'vol' which is a university for athletic/sport. We thought this tied in perfectly with the advert title we have been given. Our plan for making the advert is using two characters (Sam and Mr Dexter) to represent a younger boy and an older man.

Our advert plan is as follows:

 Sam begins playing lots of different sport and being really good at them (these will be short clips of 5 or 6 different sports), to introduce the sport and energizing theme.

The VOL will also be present in each one of these shots.

Next Sam will fade into Mr Dexter, showing that he is an older version of Sam.

We are going to do this by having Sam try to shoot a basketball into the hoop and as he jumps it fades into Mr Dexter, who then misses the hoop.

This represents the fact hes older and he doesn't have the energy anymore. (This will be the only sport shot without the drink in it) We are the going to try and present time going past, for example a fat moving clock or a time-lapse of the clouds. Mr Dexter will be walking slowly and lonely, with duller colors and more sad toned music, this will present that hes not his young self.

 He will then go to the shop (school diner) and walk past VOL. He then remembers the drink and buys it.

He takes a sip which is then when it will fade back into Sam, showing that the drink has made him young and energized again.

We will do the fade by Mr Dexter wiping his mouth after hes drank the drink, the getting Sam in the exact same position to carry on the wiping motion.

 Then once the character is young again, we will have Sam recite the slogan we have created, "Volumize your energy".

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