Thursday, December 13, 2018

Daily Mail Evaluation

We were assigned to make a mock daily mail newspaper off of a template that was found on the internet by one of their previous editions. The task was completed with the software of publisher that helped with creating plans and layouts for the finished edition that we put together with mostly the shaping tool and a crop tool and a font tool.

The biggest obstacle that I encountered was trying to find the right positioning and size of the heading font which was a pain in the arse.

My production process just consisted of a repeated process of finding the right tools that i needed for the job, utilising the tools to make sure positioning was right and that I had a 50/50 ratio, then i repeated over and over until it was complete.

People were saying that it looked alright although the headline could be changed so i did and now i have my finished product.

revision stuff

The EU referendum

Cameron was the person who started the vote for what is now considered Brexit, he thought everyone would vote remain however the majority voted leave, so he resigned.


Increasing involvement in privatization, tories are for private health care, labour are for public health care. tories want more privatization to stop the over population of hospitals.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Newspaper essay

Print sales have declined for a number of reasons. The main reason is the rise in technology and where all newspapers are now accessible; the internet. With the sudden rise in technology and the internet, majority of newspaper companies such as The Guardian and Daily Mail have posted all their daily papers on their sites along with the front page being posted on the BBC site. This makes all newspapers easier to access and also more available, whilst being convenient to the public. All readers can now access them whenever they want without having to go out and pay for the papers, and instead, just look it up on the internet, assuming they have an internet connection or signal. Although it is cheaper for yourself to access the papers as you don’t have to actually purchase each daily paper, all paper companies ask for readers to subscribe to their paper in order for them to survive. This could also give their subscribers various perks that a casual reader wouldn’t gain.

Using the internet as your newspaper source is a positive. This is because all readers can comment on various articles and have conversations with other readers online to gain more opinions on the specific article. Although this can occasionally can start arguments on different opinions, people do find this very useful and informative to understand the full picture. However, using the internet to access your daily news does have its negatives. These negatives include requiring an internet connection in order to access your favourite papers, losing stories due to more recent stories overwriting them, more information is given by print newspapers and may also give physical eye strain. The biggest negative for the rise in online newspapers is that the biggest age for reading newspapers is the elderly, average of 65. Due to the elderly not well advanced with technology, they still prefer reading physical print newspapers compared to our online copies. But because the amount of print papers decreasing by the year, elderly cannot read their beloved newspapers. So, all newspaper companies are slowly losing their audience due to this change.

Citizen Journalism (the collection, dissemination, and analysis of news and information by the general public, especially by means of the Internet) has made the mass media affect the traditional way for reporting and understanding news because of the audience reacting different to stories. For example, when there was a violent outbreak in Turkey during 2013, news stories over the internet had an outbreak over the comment and reported making fun and lying over the stories told. This brought controversy over whether or not information given by the general public was necessary because of these sensitive areas being derided.

A ccording to studies, The Daily Mail had a decrease of 55% of print papers sold during 2000 since 1960. In comparison, online newspapers, which were first introduced in 2000, have been preferred by 55% of the public, that stated they prefer reading the daily news online rather than a print.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Newspaper Industry questions

  • I believe that the aggregate advertising expenditure and net circulation figures equate to about half of their 2007 due to the technological advancement and demand for the news digitally. Therefore this is killing the hard copy's of news and sales, as customers believe that reading news is easier and more straight forward for the current population. 

  • The Audit Bureau of Circulations (UK) is a non profit organisation owned and developed by the media industry. ABC delivers industry-agreed standards for media brand measurement of print publications, digital channels and events. 

  • Personally i believe that Sunday newspapers sell vastly as more people have free time and are usually not working therefore are in a tradition of purchasing a newspaper every Sunday. 

  • The leading broadsheet is Daily telegraph (1101), the leading tabloid is the sun (3417) and the leading mid market is The daily mail (2974).

  • The daily mail is shown to be the second most popular paper, but most popular mid market! Where as, the Guardian is shown to be towards the lower ends of the scale this could be due to the niche audience that is appealing to the paper, the daily mail is a  mid market therefore is has broadsheet and tabloid aspects therefore is will have a vast audience from both community's.

  • The Guardian Media group is owned by the Scott Trust, a private company whose core purpose is to ensure the financial and editorial independence of the Guardian, the papers values are to be honest, fair and bring integrity to the reader. This is therefore done by the independence of most news stories and ideas attracting a varied audience. This is shown through the investment of over £1 billion, then with most profits they reinvest into journalism to deliver the best quality news to the audience.

  • Personally in terms of digital distribution I believe the most important brand identity has to be about the online websites, as many commuters and other people have technological devices such as laptops and tablets that may not be able to download the application therefore it is easier to access the internet. E.g people on work breaks are predominantly at computers or desk tops therefore it is easiest to view; as most works now ban the use of mobile phones within a certain block/building due to distraction.

  • The Independent Press Standards Organisations are the regulators for most of the Uk's newspapers and magazines. They hold newspapers and magazines to account for their actions, protect individual rights, uphold high standards of journalism and maintain freedom of expression for the press. They make sure that member newspapers and magazines follow the editors code.
  • The Independent Press Standards Organisations are the regulators for most of the Uk's newspapers and magazines. They hold newspapers and magazines to account for their actions, protect individual rights, uphold high standards of journalism and maintain freedom of expression for the press. They make sure that member newspapers and magazines follow the editors code.
  • Print display advertising revenue for the national UK newspapers has grown for the first time in more than seven years, according to a new report on ad expenditure. Display ads in national titles saw revenue growth of 1% year on year in the first quarter of 2018, putting it at a total of £152.6m for the period. Within tabloids print display advertising grew by 3% year on year.

Friday, November 16, 2018

George Gerbner

George Gerbner - Repeated patterns of representation can shape views.

Muslims are often represented as 'bad' people in the newspapers normally attacked with heinous remarks and singling out Muslims rather than the average white male.

With politics, certain politicians like Corbyn get attacked for supporting their party, and because the newspapers are not fond of the views of the labour party they go for the spokesperson to attack.

Tabloid vs Broadsheet

-One main headline
-Pun titles
-Less formal
-Less informative
- Big font sizes

-More informative
-One main image
-Bigger size generally
-More trustworthy

There are many differences between a tabloid and a broadsheet, this can be seen visually by the pictures to the right with the first and more colourful one being a tabloid and the second being a broadsheet.

First difference in the two as previously mentioned is the way it is presented like how the tabloid front cover has a colourful picture with the main headline taking up pretty much the entire paper while the broadsheet also has a picture that takes up a lot of the paper however its main headline is a lot smaller and the majority of the front cover is sub text that is a lot more informative than all of the headings that are being presented on the tabloid, so that a broadsheet is seen as a lot more formal than the tabloid because around 25% of the paper is covered by a picture while the remaining 75% is covered with headings and informative text.

Also with tabloids the news that is presented is seen as not useful and completely uninformative because most of the time it is information like celebrity gossip this is called soft news which is something you wouldn't expect would make it in the news while with a broadsheet it displays what you would call hard news which is what you would expect to be the main story and is seen as more serious than tabloids.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Newspaper comparisons

Who was involved?
Dead Baby Gabriel.
Bidhya Sagar Das (Murderer)
Mihal Manea (Neighbour)
Bidhya Sagar Das (Murderer)
Cristinela Das (Mother)
Gabriel (Dead baby)
What Happened?
Thor got his hammer.
Twin seriously injured whilst one dead
Neighbour claimed saw mother run across street whilst screaming “My Kids!!”
Police were called at 11.10pm
Boy pronounced dead at 1am
Baby dead at early hours of day
Thor, 33, ‘dad’ was arrested

Where Did It Happen?
Finsbury Park, North London
Hackney, north London
When Did It Happen?
Police were called at 11.10pm
Boy pronounced dead at 1am
11pm Saturday
How Did It Happen?
Thor was too jealous.
Hammer went into baby
Baby went to sleep…
Thor has mental problem
Hammer from back of 3 story building

Why Did It Happen?
Thor was too jealous

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


A test was done after my studies to test my knowledge on the subject

Online newspapers

Advantages of online newspapers

- Environmentally friendly?
- Live updates
- Your own personal account to choose topics - personalising it
-Accessibility - phones, tablets, pcs more pactical
- free
- contact papers quickly
- comments on news stories
- more interactive, video
- easy to share articles


- Holding something
- Internet needed
- can't keep the story
- less accessible for older generations
- much more information in newspapers
- website crashes, technical errors
- pop ups
- eye strain

SWEET analysis

Stripped down to my skin and my bones
I love huskies but I feel like a wolf (howw!)
In a pack but I feel all alone
I'm scatterbrained, man
Better offer the clone
The start to SWEET represents the white man of america, however this is a countertype, because he is resembled as a rapper who is around people of a different race of which isn't the norm in america. As a result he represents his feelings towards how society treats him because of his ways, "stripped down to my skin and my bones" shows he feels stripped of his respect that the government had for him.
Camera shots are used here are a close up mixed in with zooms that go in and out, showing his mind being undecided about the culture he is involved in but he eventually becomes decided as he also shows confidence in these shots.
Ultimately, the white man feels he is out of place because of what the government has drilled into white Americans and that the normal stereotype in media is for black people to only be able to be rappers and hang around with black people, whilst white people can't do this supposedly and such "In a pack but I feel all alone" represents this fully in him feeling inadequate in his group and feeling isolated like he doesn't belong.

Until you high as a plumber with race eyes, (chronic) doin' weird shit
Like, this'll make your bio-pic (haha)
Rile 'em up, hit Zaxby's
Get the wing tings (yum)
Real quick bills still stacking to the ceiling (uh-oh)
Whatchu mean, it ain't working? (what?)
Whatchu mean, you ain't finding yourself? (oh, I am, I'm trying)
Whatchu mean, you ain't got no cash? (I got a little bit)
Whatchu mean? Whatchu mean?
Shouldn't your pockets be big just like a fat chick? (uh-huh)
Shouldn't your mama be done paying the house off? (I guess)
Shouldn't you have a real big-ass ego? (no)
Shouldn't these girls be flockin' just like seagulls? (eh)

At the end of the first verse

Monday, October 29, 2018

Assessment 1: Proper DIRTy analysis

Identify a strength or strengths in your assessment:
My analysis of Questions 1-3 were on the point and were nice and succinct which is good because I can get straight to the point and move on to other questions.

What are the areas you need to improve?
I need to improve on timings because I did not get to answer Q5 which cost me marks to possibly get to a B. On Q2 I need to use examples of regulation and draw hints to when it said it was 9pm onwards which shows that there will be heavy themes.

What do you need to focus on for your next assessment?
I need to focus on my theorists because I don’t know exactly what they do and who they are so in future I must revise my theorists. I also need to elaborate more on the main points such as the main character and obvious themes and not just solely focus on tiny details.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Evaluation of Sports Advert

The task given and the target audience

The task we were tasked with was to produce an advert that appealed to 60+ age range, this was somewhat challenging because it is hard to appeal to the older generation. To target the older audiences we put in a Noir style at the start to what is similar to old fashioned TV were it was just black and white. However we contrasted that in the second half of the advert with bounce music to resemble the new found energy that they would get when drinking the drink.

Dividing the research, filming and planning 

We, as a group, did not divide all of our stages onto just one person, we did our work in blocks. For research we all researched logos and sports related things, to which we found the Tennessee flag and the University for Athletics and Sports and as a result of finding these results we decided to base our logo of the Tennessee flag. Our planning stage was set out like a meeting and we discussed all different ideas, we ended up sorting our planning sequence into a story board in which it was split up into 6 different parts. Finally was our filming phase which we all went together and did on a running track and on a pathway, and on the track we filmed the sporty, energetic scenes and on the pathway we filmed Mr Dexter acting lonely and depressed.

Initial Feedback

Showing it to classmates and our teacher, we got solid responses that were all filled with good comments however we did get an improvement with the sound in one place, which we improved immediately after. As a result we came to the conclusion that our sequence was a success.

What I learnt

I personally learnt that teamwork was as important as the research that is poured into a production. I also learned more about premier pro and am now confident in my ability in editing films.

Over 60's Sports Advert

Sports Drink Advert Day 3 of Filming

During day 3 we filmed the first part of the advert, because we ere able to get Mr Dexter to act as our sad, lonely and depressed old man. This all came to together quite nicely with some of the videos flipped and changed to add some consistency for other shots to have a solid narrative. We had also changed the first half to a noir style which showed of that it was a said theme and the fact that Mr Dexter is an old man.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Sports Advert Day 2 of Filming

After recieving the task to create an advert for men aged over 60 advertising sports drink and started to plan what we were filming during day 1, day 2 consisted of filming the 2nd half of the advert.

The 2nd half is the younger 'version' of the man, feeling younger and more energetic after drinking the VOL sports drink. Due to this character now being energetic, this section of the advert is Sam, who we are using as the younger person, running down a 100m sprint. The different shots that we filmed were:

- Walking up to the start line, which we filmed in slow motion
- The placement of the fingers on the line
- The head tilt upwards towards the finish line
- The beginning of the sprint
- Sam running, half way through his sprint

Also during this day of recording, we chose 2 songs that we wanted behind our shots. One of these would be a happy, energetic song for Sam, and a more dull, upsetting song for when Mr Dexter is shown on screen, during the first half of the advert. These songs are:

- Fury - Rogue (Happy, Energetic song)
- Cold - Jorge Méndes (Dull, Upsetting song)

Orignally we had an idea where Sam has just finished his race and someone throws him a VOL drink. He then catches the drink and says the brand's slogan 'VOLumizing your Energy'. However, when editing this section of the advert, we found that taking this out and replacing this with 3 seperate texts saying 'VOLumizing' , 'Your' , 'Energy' seemed for fitting for the style we wanted to present.

We also made an ending banner that shows a VOL sports drink on the left with the slogan on the right. This ends the advert with hype and positivity over this sports drink.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Sports Advert Day 1 of Filming

From our initial plans, we have partially changed part of it as we didn't want the advert to be too long, and for our audience to get bored of watching.
We changed Mr Dexter from being at the end to the beginning as we felt it would make the initial mood sad, which is what we wanted the audience to feel when watching as he is older and has no energy.
Our run through of our advert is now:

Mr Dexter starts off walking alone and sad
He gets thrown the bottle of VOL and takes a sip
Within the sip is the transition of Mr Dexter to Sam, where we will get them both to drink it in the same position then merge them together
Then the sad music will change to happy energized music, where Sam will 'go wild' with loads of energy
We will then take loads of different angles of Sam at the running track with VOL in the clips

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Sports drink Advert Day 1 of Planning

We have been given a task in a group of three to create an advert for a sports drink aimed at men 60 and over. We have to create this advert as well as the logo and name for the drink brand.

 The name of our drink will be 'VOL', this is because the first sports drink was made in Tennessee and in Tennessee there is a place called 'vol' which is a university for athletic/sport. We thought this tied in perfectly with the advert title we have been given. Our plan for making the advert is using two characters (Sam and Mr Dexter) to represent a younger boy and an older man.

Our advert plan is as follows:

 Sam begins playing lots of different sport and being really good at them (these will be short clips of 5 or 6 different sports), to introduce the sport and energizing theme.

The VOL will also be present in each one of these shots.

Next Sam will fade into Mr Dexter, showing that he is an older version of Sam.

We are going to do this by having Sam try to shoot a basketball into the hoop and as he jumps it fades into Mr Dexter, who then misses the hoop.

This represents the fact hes older and he doesn't have the energy anymore. (This will be the only sport shot without the drink in it) We are the going to try and present time going past, for example a fat moving clock or a time-lapse of the clouds. Mr Dexter will be walking slowly and lonely, with duller colors and more sad toned music, this will present that hes not his young self.

 He will then go to the shop (school diner) and walk past VOL. He then remembers the drink and buys it.

He takes a sip which is then when it will fade back into Sam, showing that the drink has made him young and energized again.

We will do the fade by Mr Dexter wiping his mouth after hes drank the drink, the getting Sam in the exact same position to carry on the wiping motion.

 Then once the character is young again, we will have Sam recite the slogan we have created, "Volumize your energy".

Friday, October 12, 2018

Fruitella advert

Video Games Industry

 WWW - Good detail and knowledge about the subject (nerd alert)
             - Well done for speaking proudly - Interesting and Interactive
             - Elaborations are good
             - Good flow between slides
     EBI - More enthusiasm
            - all need to speak in the presentation
            - Use key points as it was very long
            - Kind of confusing ngl
            - Gotta make sure I leave my grumpiness behind

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Boyz in the Hood Analysis

Boyz n da hood starts off with the sounds of a crime scene, along side excessive use of the N word which shows that this is a black neighbourhood through the stereotyping of black slang. Crime is a drive by shooting which we can tell from the sound effects such as the slamming of the car door, the screech of tires and finally gunshots. The opening minute is filled with a black screen whilst these sound effects play, however text comes up on the screen giving statistics that "one out of every twenty one black Americans will be murdered in their lifetime" During these we hear the sound of a small boy weeping as he says that "they have shot my friend and my brother" which demonstrates the chaos and tragedies that congregate in the early 1990' black American neighbourhoods.

 After the minute, we are presented with a stop sign which is symbolising the fact that these tragedies need to be stopped and that the segregation needs to also be stopped. We are also presented with our protagonists, who are casually talking about last nights shooting, as if it was a natural thing to happen, one of them even goes as far as to present what their mother said "a bullet don't have no name on it" this shows the corruption is a natural chaos that is always happening in their neighbourhood and they have grown up like this. Our protagonists then are taken to a crime scene which depicts a lot of gun shot holes on election posters and blood on the wall that has turned yellow. In this scene we are introduced to the intelligence of Trey, the boy in the jumper and collared shirt, when he states to the girl who says "why is the blood turning yellow?" to which he quickly says "that's what happens when it separates from the plasma". This line of dialogue shows that this boy has had a different up bringing and has a brighter future ahead of him rather than his friends that don't have the same intelligence he does, this is always represented in his clothes because he is dressed a lot smarter than his friends.

When the scene transitions into the classroom we are introduced to the kid's drawings which are all depicting crimes/tragedies of some sort, from the coffin to the LAPD chopper that was drawn with it's spotlight flashing down upon the ground. We are also shown that trey has a bad temper, even willing to start a fight with his friend just because he wasn't listening and making jokes, this escalates as far as trey friends saying that he will "get ma brother and shoot yo in the face" to which trey replies with "getch yo punk ass brother bitch, i'll get my daddy" representing that chaos escalates quickly in their neighbourhood and that crime is everywhere, showing that even their relatives/siblings are forced to live a life of crime.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Ghost Ship

In the opening scene of Ghost Ship we hear the happy, smooth jazz playing as the camera pans around the ship in a birds eye camera angle, this sets a juxtaposition for the scenes just to come because although it portrays a relaxed and joyful occasion for 2 and half minutes the film itself is far from joyous because it is marketed as a horror film.

Music at 2:40 turns quite haunted to indicate the impending horrors that are about to massacre the passengers, the music coupled with the change in lighting to high key to low key represents the somber tone the movie is about to make with the camera focusing on the loose wire that is going to become a terrifying murder weapon

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Favourite types of media

1. Movies

Movies are one of my all time favourite types of media which is due to many old films such a Stanley Kubrick's 'The Shining' and Quentin Tarantino's 'Pulp Fiction', these two films in particular are brilliant symbols of masterpieces in the film studios because they both hold key aspects that make the film memorable and loved from Samuel L. Jackson setting the movies atmosphere and main protagonists by reciting the verse from the bible of Ezekiel 25:17 to Jack Nicholson slowly walking towards Shelley Duvall shouting "you've had your whole fucking life to think things over, what's a few minutes more gonna do you now!?" whilst she sobs manically, which was her genuine reaction to the actual acting performed by Jack at the time, showing that Jack might of had a bit too much devotion to the character, but that is what makes a film, dedication and devotion combined with loved poured into every crack of the films depths.

2. Video Games
Video games have always been apart of my life, ever since I was 2 in fact. They hold great story content and are a great way to express the developers beliefs. Games come in a wide variety, from Story driven games such as 'Transistor' to Fighting games such as the 'Street Fighter' series. Within these games hold a community however, most hold their own personalities inside them and keep games thriving and developing more and more until the ceiling is broken. These reasons are why I love video games, they are about fun, story and memorable moments and they hold enjoyment for everyone regardless of age or gender.

3. TV
Related imageTV has always been a powerful force, it controls people's point of views and provides people with a new window into a reality set by the directors. TV shows such as 'Mindhunter' provide a view into the mind of a psychopath and develops on what it was like to be a detective/cop back in the 70s with themes of homophobia and racism being randomly littered in the atmosphere of the film.

First Edited Video on Premier

This was my first time using an editing software at all, let alone Premier Pro. But that fact didn't stop me from hitting the ground running and turning my task from a small 30 second editing clip into a full 4 and a half minute feature film. I hit many obstacles in making this feature film starting with audio volume but that was fixed with the 'audio gain' feature which allowed me to change the dB level on each audio track.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Newspaper Shaping Views

This newspaper cover is shaping the public's views of our previous prime minister, David Cameron, to be perceived as a man who didn't want to work hard for his role as prime minister so as a result he stepped down. The teary picture of David Cameron represents that he must have been overworked but that can also be put up to the media contorting things to their will to make a good story for their newspaper. The Sun newspaper in particular is infamous for manipulating stories just for a bit of extra pay.

Deutschland 83

Deutschland 83's channel 4 trailer uses the format bars to split the page into two sections, which shows the divide in Germany in 1983 where the east side of Germany were communists and the west side took in capitalism and were developing a lot more rapidly than the east side. The split in between the page can also represent the protagonists divide in ideals where he has grown up in the east side and has become a soldier with little choice in culture, food, etc because of the communist approach the east side took. Sending him over the wall as a spy however has shown him a new side to Germany he has never experienced, one filled with booming markets with a wide array of choice for brands and a rich and diverse culture. With these two ideals conflicting each other it would suggest that later in the show the protagonist needs to make a decision on whether he will stay in east Germany or take a side with west Germany, this will set the atmosphere and tone for Deutschland 83 as being one of great tension and drama and a lot of action with the gruff man punching someone into the ground and the explosion near the end of the trailer.

We, as a viewer, can see the protagonists facial expressions when is in his home of the east side of Germany, his face appears to be emotionless and with a lack of a smile, raise of eyebrows or even a frown. This represents the protagonist as a man who has given into the communist regime of the east side and become accustomed to the mundane life of worker and solider, however, this shows that he is easily influenced as well because not many people would agree with a communist view however he has been manipulated to believe that this is the way life is meant to be. It all changes as he goes over the border however, when he reaches the markets in the trailer his face lights up with fascination and curiosity, finally showing emotion and it also plants a question in his mind; Why is life not like this back home? It is the same when he gets hold of headphones and a cassette player as well because even here his face becomes glazed with a endearing grin whilst his head bobs showing that he is becoming accustomed to life in the west side and wants to finally feel emotions like: happiness, love, curiosity and confusion because those are the things that give a person life and personality and he wants a new chance to start over and finally feel those things.

In conclusion, we as a viewer, are meant to interpret the facial expressions as development in character and witness the protagonist grow from an emotionless solider who follows orders to someone who can make his own decisions and finally feel enjoyment in his life. Also the split bars layout works perfectly with this setting as it shows the historical divide between east side Germany (communists) and west side Germany (capitalists) and instantly sets the stage for the audience as they can tell that this show will be filled with tension between the two factions.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

The Big Six

The big six are the top six film studios in the world currently. They are at the forefront of all ilm production and they dominate the box office with high budget films and powerful stories and wonderful animations and artwork.
These studios consist of:

-Warner Bros. Pictures.
-20th Century Fox
-Paramount Pictures.
-Universal Pictures.
-Sony Pictures Entertainment
-Walt Disney Studios

However these big six studios will be cut down to the fabulous five studios soon because Walt Disney Studios is just about to buy out 21st Century Fox which is a huge moment in the film industry because 21st Century Fox was one of the longest standing flim studios of all time and now they are being combined with Walt Disney Studios which will get rid of them as a contender for one of the most powerful film studios of all time.


Denotations and Connotations
In the Stranger Things poster we can see that with the way the style the poster is done almost as if it were painted represents a 80s theme because it takes inspiration from posters such as Bladerunner and star wars a new hope poster, as well as the poster being placed vertically almost identically like bladerunner, it shows that the writers are taking heavy themes from late 70s and 80s films.

The facial expression of Eleven in this poster shows that she is serious which in turn will make the atmosphere of the poster come across as quite scary and demonic with her hand being extended forward with her palm open showing that she has powers that no regular kid should have.

The 3 protagonists: Dustin, Lucas and Mike, are shown in a sort of spotlight as their bike's light shines brightly across the poster. This represents that these protagonists are quite intelligent and maybe slightly nerdy. The bikes they ride as well are reminiscent of E.T. In it's famous scene where the bike fly's and becomes a silhouette, which shows that the writers intend on making references to old shows to capture the sense of nostalgia and retro-ness.

Expressions of the characters are mostly shown in worry and concern and even fear, representing that the antagonist in this show is something not to be trifled with and is terrifying the characters that come into contact with it/them. Although we can also tell that their might be two antagonists in this Netflix show, by the fact that all the characters are looking at nothing which could mean that one of the antagonists isn't human and maybe have a supernatural presence about it that could explain it not being there on the poster, because it is invisible. However, the other possible antagonist is much more noticeable with him/her/it walking ominously towards our protagonist almost as if it is stalking them waiting for a chance to strike, and the fact that it is in a sort of hasmat suit shows that it could be with the government and he is trying to get the protagonists to be quiet about their discovery which would also represent corruption within the government because they would be willing to 'silence' kids to keep their information safe.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Hybrid Genre

  Hybrid Genre, which is the idea that genre changes, develops, varies and borrows and overlaps with one another.

Hybrid genre- Combination of genres
 e.g. horror/comedy - scary movie series
        Sci-fi/action - Bladerunner
        Historical/comedy - The Death of Stalin

Genre theory

Steve Neale

 Steve Neale philosophized the Genre Theory. The idea that genres may be dominated by repetition but are also marked by variation, difference and change.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


 Today's media lesson was all about genre's. We learned the anagram DISTINCT which is essentially the blueprints for analyzing genre qualities and media posters such as film posters, etc.

Describe In detail
Setting - location, historical time period
Themes - love, guilt, revenge, good vs evil
Icons - Significant props such as a weapon or a wallet
Narrative - How a story is told, plot
Characters - boy/girl, background
Textual analysis - style of camera, editing, mise en scene and sound

 With DISTINCT we analysed the original Nightmare on Elm Street poster to identify all components that we can take from the poster such as the genre we can take from the poster being set at night which is normally associated with dark themes so we would link that with the horror genre. We identified all the way up to the final point on DISTINCT; Textual analysis which we identified the mise en scene which is essentially everything happening on a scene so it was basically a recap on the rest of our observations.

 Finally, today's lesson consisted of us being split off into groups in which we were with people who we wouldn't normally work with, I was with Reagan who I never really talked to until today. We were tasked with 2 random genre's and we were told to go take pictures that are related with these genre's, me and Reagan ended up getting the genre's: Horror and Comedy which was a challenge in itself because brainstorming ideas was not our strong suit.

 With horror we asked to borrow a knife from a food tech room and after scaring a couple of year 7's, we were off to create a scene. We ended up in the car park behind the Design Technology rooms, to use the knife to hold it against the car window and pretend to be sneaking up on the 'person' inside.
With comedy we were stumped until we came across some poms poms on a table and decided we would act stupid and go for some slapstick comedy, I say 'we' acted stupid but I was the one being moronic and getting a little bit too excited with the pom poms. The picture taken was me behind a tree jumping out behind it equipped with pom poms in both hands almost like a cheer leader shouting in joy.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Halloween Poster Annotation

Annotation of the original Halloween Poster

Within this poster the title is used to help explain the narrative. We know this as it explains to the audience when the film will be set. Also many other factors explain the narrative to the audience, for instance: the knife next to the pumpkin emphasizes the fact that people are going to be murdered by this weapon.

Also the writing next to the pumpkin helps explain the narrative because it tells the audience that the killings will take place in the killers house. As well as explaining the narrative to the audience the main image of the knife helps convey the sense of death to the audience as the hand is holding the knife in a stabbing motion.

The title of the poster has a slight glow around the typography; this glow is also located around the pumpkin. This shows the reader both the title and image are linked. They also know this because a pumpkin is an iconic symbol of Halloween.

Intro to Media

This is one of my most beloved films of all time purely because it was my childhood. The animation was incredible for it's time because it was one of the selected Disney films that used the novel technique of combining traditional 2d animation with up to date 3d animation which made the rustic look it needed for the film setting.
 Treasure Planet, although the film did not do well in box office and as a result is regarded as the worst Disney film of all time, it was still a revolutionary for animators (and fellow children alike) because of it's sci-fi pirate theme that challenged animators and was beloved by children for appealing to the two main themes that were the craze to children in 2002.
The box office and marketing failure of Treasure Planet was a major part in why it was never really regarded as a good film and no one actually decided to see it in cinemas when it was released because the trailer was produced poorly and gave the entire plot away. All in all I believe this film would have been a great success if it was advertised better however I still think this film is a good film because it had a a stellar plot and the characters were people that you could relate to.


The two media in long Form TV drama programs I have contemplated are Deutschland 83 (German talking account) and Stranger Things (English ta...